


Monday, May 3, 2010


I have an offer infront of me, My bike (top picture) for the 2004 XB12 Thinderbolt, and the 1965 Chevy short bed!!
Voting begins now!!!


Tattooedwhitetrash said...

That's a tough one. But I see a lot of cool potential in both the Buell and the Chevy. Go for it.

garyc42660 said...

dont do it...i'll give you by bike, a large bag of chilli cheese fritos and a mt dew plus 8.47$...j/k...personally i wouldnt do it, but thats me though

Johnny Wolf said...

Do it, and build another around the quad cam power plant!

Anonymous said...

NOT worth it. Buell's have awful resale value, and old trucks are a dime a dozen. But do what you like.

CHVRCH said...

You would be silly not to.

Fat Freddy said...

Jeff's right man... buells fly, in a hardtail they are awesome... time to build another one.. the truck is neat to0...

Unknown said...

Your bike is about 100 times cooler then both of those 2 but if your down for building another chopper then go for it. That perimeter brake would look trick on a chop :)

Fatass said...

Change is always good..

Mad River Motor Company said...

How did turn out?

jason renda said...

dude id be ALL over that trade if the truck is a runner. you know you can pimp out that buell and its scary fast.